Auto Credit Express (blog)Usually, when you apply for an auto loan, your prospective lender will check your credit report in order to determine whether or not it will be risky to loan money to you. And if you are relatively new to this country, while you may not have “bad credit,” it is likely … [Read more...] about Getting a New Car When You’re a New Citizen – Auto Credit Express (blog)
Why Store Credit Cards Should Be One Of Your Last Options – MainStreet
MainStreetNEW YORK (MainStreet) — The offers from stores to obtain their credit cards often seem very enticing with retailers offering lucrative discounts on purchases, but the majority have hidden costs. Retail credit cards often carry high interest rates, even up to 27%. While it may be tempting … [Read more...] about Why Store Credit Cards Should Be One Of Your Last Options – MainStreet
How to Turn the Tables on Your Debt – News (blog) News (blog)A loan under $200 then would be good debt because you know you'll be able to manage your payment. On the other hand, anything over $200 will be a stretch and would fall under the 'bad debt' category. How Long Will It Take to Pay Off Your Credit Cards?and more more … [Read more...] about How to Turn the Tables on Your Debt – News (blog)
How you can improve your credit track record – Daily News & Analysis
Daily News & AnalysisIf any bank or credit-card company rejects your loan and card application citing bad credit score, then applying elsewhere wouldn't help. Each bank has access to your past loan repayment behaviour via database set up by credit bureaus such as Credit ...and more more … [Read more...] about How you can improve your credit track record – Daily News & Analysis
Consolidate Your Debt If You Have Bad Credit – Investopedia
InvestopediaA consolidation loan, like any loan, requires a loan application and not everyone will qualify. If unpaid debts have left you with bad credit, debt consolidation can be more difficult and expensive than for other borrowers. Here are steps that will enable you to ...and more more … [Read more...] about Consolidate Your Debt If You Have Bad Credit – Investopedia
Vancouver real estate prices continue climb, projected to skyrocket – The Globe and Mail
Vancouver real estate prices continue climb, projected to skyrocketThe Globe and MailThe average price of new and existing detached houses sold within the city of Vancouver has topped $1.9-million. An eye-popping projection by Vancouver City Savings Credit Union calls for the average detached price … [Read more...] about Vancouver real estate prices continue climb, projected to skyrocket – The Globe and Mail
Home sales soar in Richmond – Richmond Review
Home sales soar in RichmondRichmond ReviewMarch was a good month for local real estate sales, with the number of sold condos, townhouses and single family homes all up substantially over the previous month. According to the latest figures from the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver, March's … [Read more...] about Home sales soar in Richmond – Richmond Review
Vancouver average home-sale price tops $1 million – The Seattle Times
Vancouver average home-sale price tops $1 millionThe Seattle TimesThe average price was 16 percent higher than a year ago after transactions surged 54 percent to 4,060 homes in the Canadian city's metropolitan area, the Greater Vancouver Real Estate Board said Thursday. The supply of properties in … [Read more...] about Vancouver average home-sale price tops $1 million – The Seattle Times
March sales surge pushes up Metro house prices – Vancouver Sun
Vancouver SunA surge of buyers into Lower Mainland real estate markets in March, along with limited inventory, pushed values for detached homes to new heights, with the average house price in Metro Vancouver topping $1.4 million for the first time. The spike in sales has ...and more more … [Read more...] about March sales surge pushes up Metro house prices – Vancouver Sun
Barbara Yaffe: Vancouver home buyers unfazed by skyrocketing prices – Vancouver Sun
Vancouver SunIt is bizarre; the higher house prices climb in the Vancouver area, the more people are rushing to buy. How else to interpret some dramatic new numbers from the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver. According to the board, 2,641 housing purchases were ...and more more … [Read more...] about Barbara Yaffe: Vancouver home buyers unfazed by skyrocketing prices – Vancouver Sun