How Do Credit Card Rates and Charges Work?Motley FoolYou don't have to pay a lot to use a credit card. In fact, you can fork over extremely little to your credit card company if you choose a card with no annual fee, incur no fees such as those for late or insufficient payments, and pay your bills in … [Read more...] about How Do Credit Card Rates and Charges Work? – Motley Fool
Credit Card Mistakes That Can Keep You From Getting a Mortgage – Mortgage Rates & Trends (blog)
Credit Card Mistakes That Can Keep You From Getting a MortgageMortgage Rates & Trends (blog)Any action by the primary accountholder person—whether good or bad—affects your credit. So, if the primary account holder pays the statement late or maxes out this credit card, this can hurt your credit … [Read more...] about Credit Card Mistakes That Can Keep You From Getting a Mortgage – Mortgage Rates & Trends (blog)
Personal Investor: What you need to know when filing for bankruptcy –
Personal Investor: What you need to know when filing for bankruptcybnn.caFiling for bankruptcy can put a huge blot on your credit history – but then again – you probably had a bad credit rating before the filing. In the end you will probably be a better credit risk because you don't have all that … [Read more...] about Personal Investor: What you need to know when filing for bankruptcy –
UA Matters: Myth vs. Fact about Credit Card Use, Credit Scores, History – UA News
UA NewsFACT: Pre-paid cards and debit cards do not have an impact on your credit score or history. Using credit cards can have both positive and negative impacts on your credit score and history. Responsible use of credit cards will help you build good credit ...and more more … [Read more...] about UA Matters: Myth vs. Fact about Credit Card Use, Credit Scores, History – UA News
5 Tips for Consumers With Bad Credit – Huffington Post
Huffington PostHaving "bad credit" means that one's FICO score is below 550. If you've defaulted on a loan, declared bankruptcy, or had a poor track record of paying off credit card debts in the past, odds are most credit issuers will not want to touch you with a 10-foot pole.and more more … [Read more...] about 5 Tips for Consumers With Bad Credit – Huffington Post
Don’t trust credit card companies to teach kids about finances – Bangor Daily News
Don't trust credit card companies to teach kids about financesBangor Daily NewsPersonal finance websites CardHub and WalletHub released a rather troubling consumer credit outlook last week. In the credit card field, forecasters see a trend toward offering more credit to existing debtors, instead of … [Read more...] about Don’t trust credit card companies to teach kids about finances – Bangor Daily News
Metro Vancouver home sales up significantly over last year – CTV News
CTV NewsThe number of homes sold in Metro Vancouver this March was much higher than the 10-year average for the month, and in the Fraser Valley, sales are the highest they've been in nine years. Patrick Melanson has seen the boom firsthand. The Fort Langley ...and more more … [Read more...] about Metro Vancouver home sales up significantly over last year – CTV News
Why are Vancouver homes among the most expensive in North America? – Financial Times
Financial TimesFor more than 10 years, Chinese buyers have dominated the upper end of the real-estate market in Vancouver, snapping up some of the most expensive properties and pushing prices to record levels. In December, one estate was sold to a businessman from ...and more more … [Read more...] about Why are Vancouver homes among the most expensive in North America? – Financial Times
Already strong markets have a great start to spring – Canadian Mortgage Broker News
Canadian Mortgage Broker NewsVancouver, which is one of the most expensive and active markets in Canada, posted a massive 53.5 per cent increase in year-over-year sales last month, as the Home Price Index composite benchmark hiked 7.2 per cent to $660,700. The benchmark price ...and more … [Read more...] about Already strong markets have a great start to spring – Canadian Mortgage Broker News
Metro Vancouver detached homes hit record high for 10th straight month – Business in Vancouver
Business in VancouverPast presidents of the REBGV have explained to Business in Vancouver that conventional real estate wisdom is that a market is considered to be a buyers' market when the sales-to-active-listings ratio is below 13%. It is considered a sellers' market when the ...and more … [Read more...] about Metro Vancouver detached homes hit record high for 10th straight month – Business in Vancouver